We know Sicily inside out

W poszukiwaniu najbardziej atrakcyjnych i wartych odwiedzenia miejsc przejechaliśmy po Sycylii tysiące kilometrów a setki przeszliśmy na piechotę. Zorganizujemy Wasz czas tak, aby każdy dzień był niezapomniany i pełen wrażeń.

What do we offer?

Przygotowanie planu pod Wasze oczekiwania, opiekę doświadczonego przewodnika, transport 8 osobowym vanem który wjedzie w każde niedostępne miejsce. Posiadamy sprzęt do snokrelingu, wodoodporne kamery GoPro oraz profesjonalny sprzęt fotograficzny który zarejestruje wszystkie ważne momenty!

Exemplary plans

The list of things that we can do on a given day is fully customizable. Below you will find some examples of trips. We can take you to one place or several in one day! The price for the whole day ranges from 150 to 200 € depending on the number of kilometers traveled.

  • Trapani / Lo Stagnone
  • Segesta Temple
  • Zingaro reserve
  • Thermal Segesta
  • Trapani / Lo Stagnone
  • Trapani / Lo Stagnone
  • Cliff Jumping
  • Zingaro reserve
  • San Vito Lo Capo
  • Trapani / Lo Stagnone
  • Trapani / Lo Stagnone
  • Castelmaro del Golfo
  • Palermo
  • Trapani / Lo Stagnone

We will reach places inaccessible by land

A RIB motorboat trip to the nearby islands is a fantastic idea for a day out. You”ll get a chance to snorkel, dive into the water, chill on a boat or taste the local cuisine.


We' ll reach places inaccessible by car or train

A RIB motorboat trip to the nearby islands is a fantastic idea for a day out. You”ll get a chance to snorkel, dive into the water, chill on a boat or taste the local cuisine.


Hike the highest mountain of Sicily

If you’re into hiking and spectacular views, this is something for you. The views on a walk on this incredible mountain cannot be captured in photographs.


Be carried away by living chaos

An amazing city full of contrasts and places you won’t see anywhere else in the world. We’ll show you everything from popular sights, restaurants to less touristy places where the locals hang out.


Be carried away by living chaos

An amazing city full of contrasts and places you won’t see anywhere else in the world. We’ll show you everything from popular sights, restaurants to less touristy places where the locals hang out.


See the island from another perspective

Erice is an ancient town situated on a mountaintop. It boasts breathtaking views, and at the foot you will find the picturesque and very touristy Trapani.


Do your best on the rock walls

Sicily is known for its places perfect for beginner rock climbers. We professionally organise such trips.


Do your best on the rock walls

Sicily is known for its places perfect for beginner rock climbers. We professionally organise such trips.

cliff jumping

From 10 m cliff to perfectly clear water

A place where it is safe to jump from the cliffs into the water. The cliffs are of different heights so there is something for everyone.


See the post-apocalyptic world

A unique chance to see what the ruins of a city that was once hit by an earthquake and then abandoned by all its residents look like after several years.


See the post-apocalyptic world

A unique chance to see what the ruins of a city that was once hit by an earthquake and then abandoned by all its residents look like after several years.


Feel how it was to live before our era

We will visit the ruins of the ancient city and its huge temple, preserved in very good condition.

thermae in the wild

Immerse yourself in hot water at sunset

Most of us associate thermal baths with a concrete-covered and fenced facility to which we gain access after buying a ticket. We will take you to a totally wild place known mainly to the locals.

thermae in the wild

Immerse yourself in hot water at sunset

Most of us associate thermal baths with a concrete-covered and fenced facility to which we gain access after buying a ticket. We will take you to a totally wild place known mainly to the locals.


Did the pirates really get ashore after them?

A place that owes its amazing colour and shape to the forces of nature.

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